He is known from the legend that, when he was a young boy he had been promised the princess Aixa Galiana, niece of Al-Qadir, the last Moorish king of Toledo before the conquest of Alfonso VI.
Taking advantage of the absence of Blázquez who was in the village of Villar del Pedroso and fled back to Talavera de la Reina.
Jazmin Hiaya (late tenth to third decade of the eleventh century) of Arabic جازمين حيية this king was the only Arab military governor of the short-lived known Taifa of Talavera de la Reina.
This beautiful woman was captured by the Christians and taken to Avila where he was christened and married to the young Nalvillos Blázquez from the lineage of Davila´s of then emerge D. Alvaro de Luna.
Jasmin Hiaya was military governor and king of the Taifa of Talavera de la Reina, (Medina at Talavayra) in Spain in the early eleventh century AD