
unusual facts about Jean Baptiste Pierre Constant, Count of Suzannet

Battle of Rocheserviere

He soon learned that a Vendean army of around 8000 men under Charles Autichamp and Pierre Constant Suzannet was concentrating in the vicinity of Rocheservière.

Jean Baptiste Pierre Constant, Count of Suzannet

Suzannet was severely wounded at the Battle of Rocheserviere on June 20, 1815 fighting for King Louis XVIII against troops loyal to Napoleon Bonaparte, as a result of his injuries Suzannet died the next day at Aigrefeuille-sur-Maine.

Suzannet emigrated to Britain in 1792, but he returned to France in 1795 following the landing at Quiberon and was placed under the command of François de Charette.

In 1815 many people in the Vendée did not accept the change of government that Napoleon Bonaparte's return to Paris from exile on the isle of Elba, and hostilities once again broke out in the region.

Jean Baptiste Pierre Constant, Count Suzannet was a royalist officer who fought in the War in the Vendée.

see also