
4 unusual facts about Jean Chardin


The French traveler Jean Chardin visited the village in 1673, and in 1770 it was visited by the traveler Turenfor.

Jean Chardin

Montesquieu, Rousseau, Gibbon, and Helvetius acknowledge the value of his writings; and Sir William Jones says he gave the best account of Mahometan nations ever published.

National Botanical Garden of Georgia

It was first described, in 1671, by the French traveler Jean Chardin as royal gardens which might have been founded at least in 1625 and were variably referred to as "fortress gardens" or "Seidabad gardens" later in history.

Old Persian cuneiform

Attempts at deciphering Old Persian cuneiform started in 1711 when some of Darius's inscriptions were published by Jean Chardin.

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