The greater part of the family property was sold, and with the proceeds they emigrated to Italy, bought a small farm in Pescia near Lucca and Pistoia, and set to work to cultivate it themselves.
He held an official position: secretary of the chamber of commerce for the then department of Leman.
In April 1819, Sismondi married a Welshwoman, Jessie Allen (1777–1853), whose sister, Catherine Allen, was the wife of Sir James Mackintosh and another sister, Elizabeth Allen, was the wife of Josiah Wedgwood II and mother of Emma Wedgwood.
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Before the publication of Lavisse's great work, Dareste's general history of France was the best of its kind; it surpassed in accuracy the work of Henri Martin, especially in the ancient periods, just as Martin's in its turn was an improvement upon that of Sismondi.
He is a proponent of Humanistic economics, strongly influenced by political economy of Jean Charles Leonard de Sismondi, the social economics of John Hobson, and various (heterodox) ideas of current thinkers, especially Herman Daly on environment, John Culbertson on trade, and David Ellerman on economic democracy.