Compagno, Dando, & Fowler, Sharks of the World, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 2005 ISBN 978-0-691-12072-0
Compagno, Dando, & Fowler, Sharks of the World, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 2005 ISBN 0-691-12072-2
Compagno, Dando, & Fowler, Sharks, Collins Gem, HarperCollins, London 2006 ISBN 0-00-721986-5
Leading shark expert Leonard Compagno emphasised the need to check the dentition and the dorsal fin proportions in order to confirm the specimen as G.
Leonard Compagno and John Stevens described the slender sawtail catshark in a 1993 issue of the scientific journal Records of the Australian Museum.
The new species was termed Chlamydoselachus "sp. A", before being formally described in 2009 by David Ebert and Leonard Compagno, in a paper for the scientific journal Zootaxa.
The holotype (and only known specimen) of S. caillieti is an immature female collected on September 23, 1995 by Leonard Compagno and Peter Last.
Compagno, Dando, & Fowler, Sharks, Collins Gem, HarperCollins, London 2006) ISBN 0-00-721986-5
Compagno, Dando, & Fowler, Shark Life Magazine Sharks of the World, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 2005 ISBN 0-691-12072-2
Leonard Bernstein | Leonard Compagno | Leonard Cohen | Leonard Nimoy | Sugar Ray Leonard | Elmore Leonard | Leonard Wood | Leonard Slatkin | Leonard Rose | Leonard Woolf | Leonard French | Leonard Feather | Fort Leonard Wood | Leonard | Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot | Leonard of Noblac | Leonard Adleman | Leonard Woolley | Leonard P. Guarente | Leonard Cheshire | Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri | St Leonard | Sheldon Leonard | Leonard Rossiter | Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine | Jacques Léonard | Fort Leonard Wood (military base) | Steve Leonard | Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse | Leonard Lewisohn |
Phylogenetic studies published by Jack Garrick in 1982 and Leonard Compagno in 1988, based on morphology, placed the bignose shark in the "obscurus group" of Carcharhinus, centered on the dusky shark (C. obscurus) and the Galapagos shark (C. galapagensis).