
2 unusual facts about Jean Gerson

Jean Gerson

John of Montson (Monzón, de Montesono), an Aragonese Dominican who had recently graduated as doctor of theology at Paris, had in 1387 been condemned by the faculty of theology because he had taught that the Virgin Mary, like other ordinary descendants of Adam, was born in original sin; and the Dominicans, who were fierce opponents of the doctrine of the immaculate conception, were expelled from the university.

John of Schoonhoven

Schoonhoven was one of the responsible for defending Ruysbroeck against critics, especially Jean Gerson.

Pope Innocent VII

These troubles furnished him with a pretext, of which he was not unwilling to avail himself, for postponing the meeting, which was being urged by King Charles VI of France, theologians at the University of Paris, such as Pierre d'Ailly and Jean Gerson, and Rupert III, King of the Germans, as the only means of healing the Schism which had prevailed so long.

William Perault

Authors such as Gerson, Père Alexandre, Jacques Échard, and Hurter say that William Perault was never Archbishop of Lyons, as the Gallia christiana asserts, Dupin is not justified in saying that he was never more than a religious of the Order of Preachers (cf. Antoine Touron, Hist. des hommes illust., 1, l.2, 184).

see also

Steven Ozment

Homo spiritualis: a comparative study of the anthropology of Johannes Tauler, Jean Gerson and Martin Luther (1509-16) in the context of their theological thought.