
unusual facts about Jean Hardouin

Carl Gustaf Nordin

Like Jean Hardouin he got to believe that a great deal of what is called classical literature was compiled by anonymous authors at a much later date, and he used frequently to startle his colleagues, the Gustavian academicians, by his audacious paradoxes.


The manuscript was known to Marcus Welser, Isaac Vossius, Claudius Salmasius, Jean Hardouin, and Johann Daniel Schöpflin; it was first printed with the title: "Dicuili Liber de mensura orbis terrae ex duobus codd. mss. bibliothecae imperialis nunc primum in lucem editus a Car. Athan. Walckenaer" (Paris, 1807).

Roman Catholic Diocese of Quimper

Other notable secular members of the diocese are the classical scholar Jean Hardouin (1646–1729) and the critic Élie Catherine Fréron (1719–71).

see also