Jean Hepburn, Lady Darnley, Mistress of Caithness, Lady Morham (died 1599) was a Scottish noblewoman and a member of the Border clan of Hepburn.
Jean Hepburn (d. before 27 July 1599) whose first husband was John Sinclair, Master of Caithness (d.1578, v.p.), with issue; her second husband was John Stewart, Lord Darnley, Prior of Coldingham, by whom she had Francis Stewart, 5th Earl of Bothwell; her third husband the notorious Archibald Douglas, Parson of Douglas, a Senator of the College of Justice, and brother of William Douglas of Whittinghame.
Katharine Hepburn | Jean-Paul Sartre | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Jean Cocteau | Jean Genet | Jean-Luc Godard | Audrey Hepburn | Wyclef Jean | Jean Racine | Jean Chrétien | Jean Michel Jarre | Jean Paul Gaultier | Jean Nouvel | Jean-Michel Basquiat | Jean Giraud | Jean Sibelius | Jean-Luc Ponty | Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot | Jean-Claude Van Damme | Jean Renoir | Jean-Pierre Rampal | Jean-Léon Gérôme | Jean Harlow | Jean Anouilh | Billie Jean King | Jean Giraudoux | Jean-Bertrand Aristide | Jean Baudrillard | Jean-Pierre Thiollet | Jean-Martin Charcot |