
5 unusual facts about Jean Lacouture

Cambodian genocide denial

French scholar, Jean Lacouture, formerly a sympathizer of the Khmer Rouge, reviewed Ponchaud's book favorably in the New York Times Review of Books on March 31, 1977.

Fatima Besnaci-Lancou

Fille de harki/Daughter of a Harki, Éditions de l’Atelier, (2003), 2005 (preface by Jean Daniel et Jean Lacouture, afterword by Michel Tubiana), ISBN 978-2-7082-3834-3.

Jean Lacouture

He is mainly known to the public because of his biographies, including the lives of Ho Chi Minh, Nasser, Léon Blum, De Gaulle, François Mauriac, Pierre Mendès-France, Mitterrand, Montesquieu, Montaigne, Malraux, Germaine Tillion, Champollion, Rivière, Stendhal and Kennedy.

He is interviewed in the 1968 documentary film about the Vietnam War entitled In the Year of the Pig.

Stéphane Trano

The preface of Une Affaire d’Amitie was written by Jean Lacouture, the biographer of General Charles de Gaulle.

see also