
3 unusual facts about Jean Marchand

Jean Marchand

Presenting himself as an opponent of the separatist program of the Parti Québécois, he stood as a Quebec Liberal Party candidate in the 1976 Quebec provincial election in the riding of Louis-Hébert but was defeated by Claude Morin of the PQ in an election that resulted in the Parti Québécois forming its first government.

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Episodes featured people and topics such as Brother Andre of Saint Joseph's Oratory, federal politician Jean Marchand, Quebec Liberal Party president Eric Kierans, and women from rural Quebec communities who developed their careers in Montreal.

Musée d'Art Moderne de Céret

André Masson, Auguste Herbin, Max Jacob, Juan Gris, Jean Marchand will also come over to stay in Céret and soon a community of artist settles there.

Lachlan McGillivray

Lachlan married Sehoy Marchand, member of the Wind Clan of the Creek, a daughter of Jean Marchand and Sehoy

Sir William Erskine, 2nd Baronet

When the fog suddenly cleared, his leading elements found themselves facing elements of Jean Marchand's division deployed in line with artillery support.

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