
4 unusual facts about Jean Rapp


Following Napoleon's return and defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, the General Jean Rapp, having wind of intentions to annex Alsace and under the orders of Louis XVIII continued to fight on the Souffel, just north of Hoenheim.

Jean Rapp

He was made aide de camp of Louis Desaix, who named him captain and took him to Egypt, where Rapp distinguished himself at Sediman, capturing an enemy battery.

Rapp stayed in the line of fire: at Essling, he led the front of his fusiliers of the Garde impériale and carried the day; during the signing of the Treaty of Schönbrunn, he averted a planned attempt on Napoleon by the young Friedrich Staps; in Russia, he was wounded by four bullets at the battle of Moscow on 5–7 September 1812.


Ten days after Napoleon's final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, General Jean Rapp led the French forces against the Crown Prince of Württemberg in the Battle of La Suffel near Souffelweyersheim and Hoenheim.

Treaty of Schönbrunn

A 17-year-old German patriot, Friedrich Staps, demanded an audience with Napoleon to present a petition, but was refused by the emperor's aide Jean Rapp.

see also