As a sequel to the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, the 1955 film Gentlemen Marry Brunettes used only the book's name and starred Jane Russell and Jeanne Crain playing characters who were the daughters of Dorothy Shaw.
Jeanne Willis | Christo and Jeanne-Claude | Fort Jeanne d'Arc | Jeanne Moreau | Jeanne-Marie Chavoin | Jeanne Lanvin | Jeanne Crain | Crain's Chicago Business | Jeanne Sylvanie Arnould-Plessy | Jeanne Loriod | Jeanne d'Arc | Jeanne Beker | Hurricane Jeanne | Clayton Crain | Union Sportive Jeanne d'Arc Carquefou | Selma Jeanne Cohen | Jeanne Zelasko | Jeanne Robinson | Jeanne Pruett | Jeanne Jolly | Jeanne Eagels | Jeanne d'Albret | William H. Crain | The 110 foot tall ship ''STV Fair Jeanne | STV Fair Jeanne | Samantha Crain | Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc | Marie-Jeanne Lamartiniére | Marguerite "Meg" (Jeanne) Steinheil, Lady (ée) Abinger | Jeanne Vertefeuille |