At the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing Pieper finished his ranking round with a total of 648 points, which gave him the 45th seed for the final competition bracket in which he faced Oleksandr Serdyuk in the first round.
This gave him the 20th seed for the final competition bracket in which he faced Jens Pieper in the first round, beating the German 107-105.
Jens Stoltenberg | Jens-Peter Herold | Jens Galschiøt | Jens Frahm | Jens Voigt | Jens Eriksen | Jens Ulltveit-Moe | Jens Munk | Jens Mouris | Jens Lehmann | Jens Juel | Jens Christian Grøndahl | Jens Staubrand | Jens Peter Jacobsen | Jens Johansson | Walter Jens | Roel Pieper | Jens Olsen's World Clock | Jens Lindemann | Jens Lekman | Jens Knippschild | Jens Juel (diplomat) | Jens Jensen (landscape architect) | Jens Jensen | Jens Gunderssen | Jens Esmark | Jens Eisert | Salome Jens | Paul B. Pieper | Jens Zetlitz Monrad Kielland |