
4 unusual facts about Jeremy Collier

1650 in England

23 September - Jeremy Collier, theatre critic, non-juror bishop and theologian (died 1726)

Battle of Chester

The charge against Augustine was challenged or rejected by scholars of the 18th and 19th century such as Elizabeth Elstob, Henry Spelman, Henry Wharton, and Jeremy Collier.


Boswell recorded that; “Dr Johnson was much pleased with his entertainment here. There were many good books in the house: Hector Boethius in Latin; Cave's Lives of the Fathers; Baker's Chronicle; Jeremy Collier's Church History; Dr Johnson's small Dictionary; Craufurd's Officers of State, and several more…”

William Parkyns

At the place of execution three nonjuring clergymen, Jeremy Collier, Shadrach Cook and William Snatt, appeared on the platform with the criminals; and just before the completion of the sentence Collier publicly absolved Parkyns.

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