The 1992 limited series Armageddon: Inferno re-introduced the Justice Society of America after their disappearance into and re-emergence from the limbo dimension of Ragnarok (where they had been trapped since 1986's The Last Days of the Justice Society).
Written by Jen Van Meter and drawn by Travis Moore, the series was an action/romance feature which chronicled the adventures of Jesse and her husband Rick as they battled the villainous couple of Tigress and Icicle.
At Wonder-Con, writer James Robinson announced that Jesse would be joining the Justice League of America as part of DC's Brightest Day event.
Jesse Ventura | Jesse Owens | Jesse Jackson | Jesse James | Jesse McCartney | Whittaker Chambers | Robert W. Chambers | Guy Chambers | Jesse Helms | Dwain Chambers | Kasey Chambers | The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford | Marilyn Chambers | Jesse Spencer | Jesse Johnson | Dennis Chambers | Robert Chambers | Jesse Ramsden | Jesse Lingard | Jesse Eisenberg | Robert Chambers (publisher born 1802) | Peter Chambers | Jesse May | Jesse Jane | Jesse James (film) | Jesse Ferguson | Jesse Belvin | Ephraim Chambers | Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura | Chambers Harrap |