
5 unusual facts about Jetavanaramaya


The monks dwelling at the premises moved to Malaya and Ruhuna, this followed by the pillaging of Mahavihara by Snaghamitta and minister Sona, all valuable were transferred to Abhayagiri vihara.

Following king Jettha Tissa's death his brother Mahasena was consecrated as king by monk Sanghamitta, under the monk's influence king Mahasena brought about a campaign against orthodox Theravadins dwelling in Mahavihara.

King Mahasena (273–301 AD) initiated the construction of the stupa following the destruction of Mahavihara.

The pillaging prompted a rebellion by minister Meghavannabhaya, the minister raised an army from Malaya and set camp by the Duratissaka tank.

The sectarian differences between the Buddhist monks also are represented by the stupa as it was built on the premises of the destroyed Mahavihara, which led to a rebellion by a minister of king Mahasena.


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