
unusual facts about Jewish holiday

Israeli folk dancing

In 1944, Gurit Kadman organized a First Fruits dance pageant to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Shavuot at Kibbutz Dalia.

Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America

The group runs a "Support Our Soldiers" (SOS), which sends care packages of toiletries and kosher food, and Jewish holiday items to Jewish soldiers serving overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan, or elsewhere.

Pale of Settlement

Thousands of followers of rebbes such as the Gerrer Rebbe Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter (known as the Sfas Emes), the Chernobyler Rebbe, and the Vizhnitzer Rebbe flocked to their towns for the Jewish holidays and followed their rebbes' minhagim (Jewish practices) in their own homes.

Zev Leff

He has spoken about and recorded lessons on a wide range of themes, including the weekly Torah portion, Jewish philosophy, Jewish holidays, Amud Yomi, Jewish marriage, the role of women in Judaism, and current events.

see also

Adam Gardner

Its album, Hanukkah Rocks, consists of humorous original songs about the Jewish holiday.


For the Shabbat Mevarchim preceding Rosh Chodesh Iyar — i.e., first Shabbat after the end of the Jewish holiday of Passover — there is a custom of baking schlissel challah ("key challah") as a segula (propitious sign) for parnassa (livelihood).

Shofar of Freedom Award

The Shofar of Freedom Award is presented annually by the Temple Israel since 1990 in Albany, NY on the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur to people with extraordinary commitment to their fellow human beings.