Their new congregation, guided by Rabbi Jacob Peres, who had been B'nai Israel's first rabbi, was committed to maintaining the "minhag Polen" (traditions of the Polish Jews).
The Lyozner Rebbe in Boro Park wears a kolpik on Shabbat, following a previous minhag of the Rebbes of Chabad.
Thousands of followers of rebbes such as the Gerrer Rebbe Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter (known as the Sfas Emes), the Chernobyler Rebbe, and the Vizhnitzer Rebbe flocked to their towns for the Jewish holidays and followed their rebbes' minhagim (Jewish practices) in their own homes.
The Talmud Bavli disagrees on how to view the said stringency in terms of it being categorized as a minhag or a halacha, Ravah -in dialoguh with his Mentor Rav Pappa, abstained from viewing it as an halacha with stating that it is in fact geo-location based with non-conforming communities fully entitled not to comply.