In a series of Dresden Files novels by Jim Butcher, Harry Dresden has a "Foo Dog" named Mouse that appears very similar to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, so much so that a character asks if Mouse is one.
Jim Butcher refers to the list a number of times in his contemporary fantasy series, The Dresden Files.
In the Jim Butcher novel "Fool Moon", the character Tera West, is revealed at the end of the book to be a female wolfwere.
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In Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, there is a character called Erlking, modelled after the leader of the Wild Hunt, Herne the Hunter.
Morlun's race, the Ancients, is a central focus of the 2006 novel Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours by Jim Butcher, which is set after the death of Morlun but before his resurrection and return.
Wolfe and Hans Beimler wrote the screenplay for the pilot and developed the series, which is based on the books by Jim Butcher.
In Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, Jenny Greenteeth appears in the form of a beautiful young woman, the handmaiden of Maeve, Winter Lady and youngest of the Unseelie Queens of Faerie.