"A Friend for Life" was written by Harley and Cockney Rebel's ex-guitarist Jim Cregan, where both musicians were credited with the writing of the music, whilst the lyrics were credited solely to Harley.
He joined Stud, a group that coincidentally featured guitarist-bassist Jim Cregan, who would become Family's final bass player in 1972.
Jim Thorpe | Jim Carrey | Jim DeMint | Jim Morrison | Jim Jarmusch | Jim Jones | Jim Henson | Jim Dine | Jim Starlin | Jim Reeves | Jim Flaherty | Jim Cummings | Jim Bunning | According to Jim | Jim O'Rourke | Jim Nabors | Jim Bohannon | Jim Lovell | Jim Lauderdale | Jim Crow laws | Jim Clark | Jim O'Rourke (musician) | Jim Keltner | Jim Crockett Promotions | Jim Brown | Jim Brickman | Jim Lee | Jim Kelly | Jim Hall (musician) | Jim Doyle |