Jimmie Wilson (1900–1947), American baseball player and manager and professional soccer player
Woodrow Wilson | Jim Thorpe | Jim Carrey | Harold Wilson | Pete Wilson | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | Jim DeMint | Jim Morrison | Brian Wilson | Jim Jarmusch | Wilson | Jim Jones | Jim Henson | Jim Dine | Edmund Wilson | Jim Starlin | Owen Wilson | Jim Reeves | Jim Flaherty | Jim Cummings | Jim Bunning | According to Jim | James Wilson | Jim O'Rourke | Jim Nabors | Jim Bohannon | Wilson Pickett | Teddy Wilson | Richard Wilson | Jim Lovell |
Many years afterwards, during a Fantastic Four storyline featuring a delirious Hulk rampaging through Las Vegas, the latter howled Jarella's name, as one of the 3 greatest tragedies that he considered to have befallen him, along with the poisoning of his wife Betty Ross, and the death of his friend Jim Wilson due to AIDS.
Speakers have included Danny Sullivan (Search Engine Watch), Jeffrey Eisenberg (Future Now, Inc.), Jim Wilson (Jim World), Lucas Morea (LatinEdge), Mitch Joel (Twist Image), Scott Ferber (Advertising.com), Stephen Turner (ClickTracks), Matthew Colebourne (coComment), Brian Clifton (Google).
Dick Long, Allen Steck, Jim Wilson, John Evans, Franklin Coale Sr. and Paul Bacon (USA) over 30 days, mid-July to Mid-August.