Koh-i-Noor was a partner in producing Jiří Barta's 2009 animated feature In the Attic, and its pencils appear frequently throughout the film.
Jiří Menzel | Jiří Bělohlávek | Jiří Stivín | Jiří Paroubek | Jiří Orten | Jiří Jarošík | Jiri Georg Dokoupil | Jiri Barta | Jairos Jiri | Tred Barta | Nóra Barta | Jiří Zídek Sr. | Jiří Suchý | Jiří Šlégr | Jiri Slegr | Jiří Pták | Jiří Pernes | Jiří Lobkowicz | Jiří Jirmal | Jiří Hudler | Jiri Hlinka | Jiří Gemrot | Jiří Dvořák | Jiří Dienstbier Jr. | Jiří Barta | Jiri | ''Harmoniae morales'' from printer Jiří Nigrin |
The short films brought together for this anthology were Gentle Spirit (1987) by Polish animator Piotr Dumala, Club of the Laid Off (1989) by the Czech artist Jiri Barta, Abductees (1995) from England’s Paul Vester, The Story of the Cat and the Moon (1995) from Portuguese animator Pedro Serrazina, and a pair of shorts from American filmmakers: Suzan Pitt's Joy Street (1996) and Julie Zammarchi's Ape (1992).