
unusual facts about Jnana yoga

Swami Abhayananda

I teach four classes of philosophy-the Karma Loga(reporter might have misspelt for Karma Yoga), which is the philosophy of actions; the Bhakti Loga(reporter might have misspelt for Bhakti Yoga, the philosophy of devotion and love; the Rajah Loga(reporter might have misspelt for Raja Yoga), a physiological and psychological man, and the Gnana Loga(reporter might have mispelt for Jnana Yoga, or philosophy.

see also


Practice, especially Jnana Yoga, is needed to "destroy one’s tendencies (vAasanA-s)" before real insight can be attained.


Neti neti, a chant or mantra in Hinduism, and in particular Jnana Yoga and Advaita Vedanta