
5 unusual facts about João Grande

João Grande

Mestre João Grande eventually became such an acclaimed capoeirista that when Carybé, a painter famous for his documentation of African Culture in Bahia, chose to do studies of capoeira he chose João Grande as a model.

João Pereira dos Santos

The impact of Pastinha's death was far reaching and even João Grande chose to stop playing Capoeira for a time (See Mestre João Grande).

Together with Mestre João Grande he is later to share the honour of being one of the late Mestre Pastinha's two most learned students - the ones to whom he entrusted his legacy.

His old friend and Capoeira brother, João Grande later did the same by establishing his academy in New York City the United States in 1990.

He began his life in Capoeira as a student of Mestre Gilvenson (C. Daniel Dawson's book "Capoeira Angola and Mestre João Grande" cites Mestre Barbosa as João Pequeno's first teacher, see Mestre João Grande) and later became a disciple of Mestre Pastinha - the father of contemporary Capoeira Angola.

see also