If it was Peter II, then the poem was probably written either between 1200 and 1204, during a period of conflict between Navarre and Aragon, or in September 1213, while Peter was in Languedoc, where he died in the Battle of Muret.
He held lands in northern Portugal near the falls of the river Paiva and also in Aragon, near Monzón, Tudela, and Pamplona, near the border with Navarre, as fiefs of the King of Aragon.
Mário Soares | João Gilberto | João Pessoa | João Bosco | Maria João | João Roque | Maria Joao | João Goulart | João Cabral de Melo Neto | São João River | São João de Meriti | Júlio César Soares Espíndola | João Vieira Pinto | João Sousa | Joao Roque | João Pinto | João Magueijo | João Havelange | João Botelho | Maria João Rodrigues | João Saldanha | João Reis | João Paulo de Oliveira | João N'Tyamba | João Maria Ferreira do Amaral II | João Gordo | João Gonçalves Filho | João de Deus | João de Castro | João Batista Vilanova Artigas |