The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power (1993) was written by Diana Alstad and Joel Kramer (Frog Books, ISBN 978-1883319007).
Billy Joel | Sven Kramer | Cosmo Kramer | Joel Chandler Harris | Joel-Peter Witkin | Joel Schumacher | Joel Osteen | Joel Hodgson | Joel Whitburn | Joel Plaskett | Haley Joel Osment | Wayne Kramer | Joel McHale | Joel McCrea | Joel Lamangan | Joel Grey | Joel | Ben Kramer | Wayne Kramer (guitarist) | Ron Kramer | Mitch Joel | Larry Kramer | Joel Zifkin | Joel Spolsky | Joel Silver | Joel Salatin | Joel Hayward | Jeffrey Kramer | Jack Kramer | Hilton Kramer |
News staff include Joel Kramer (CEO and editor), Roger Buoen (managing editor), Susan Albright (managing editor),Corey Anderson (Web editor), Kaeti Hinck (news technology director), Don Effenberger news editor), Tom Nehil (web producer) and about 25 journalists.