
3 unusual facts about Joel Spolsky


The first printed blook was User Interface Design for Programmers, by Joel Spolsky, published by Apress on June 26, 2001, based on his blog Joel on Software.

Hungarian notation

Joel Spolsky (for Apps Hungarian): "If you read Simonyi's paper closely, what he was getting at was the same kind of naming convention as I used in my example above where we decided that us meant "unsafe string" and s meant "safe string.


In June 2005, an essay by Lopp was published in the book The Best Software Writing I, edited by Joel Spolsky.


Authors include Andrew Troelsen, Adam Freeman, Ed Yourdon, Matt MacDonald, Andy Budd, Rob Harrop, Dave Mark, Michael A. Banks, Keir Thomas, Malcolm Harkins, Jacob Lamm, Scott Donaldson, Peter Seibel, Bob Walsh, Rory Lewis, and Joel Spolsky.

Stack Exchange Network

In 2008, Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky created Stack Overflow, a question-and-answer Web site for computer programming questions, which they described as an alternative to the programmer forum Experts-Exchange.

see also