
unusual facts about Joggins


Geologists were first attracted to this locality in the late 1820s with Abraham Gesner, Richard Brown, Thomas Jackson and Francis Alger all making important observations.


Joggins |

Nova Scotia peninsula

Coal seams are found in the western and central areas of Cumberland County in the Joggins-River Hebert basin and the Springhill basin, along with the Debert basin and the Pictou basin.

Polystrate fossil

They discovered that the “Spirorbis” fossils found in sedimentary strata, including the Joggins and other Carboniferous coal measures, deposited from the Ordovician to Triassic periods are the remains of an extinct order of lophophorates (now called microconchids) unrelated to modern marine tube worms (Annelids) to which the genus Spirorbis belongs.

see also