
unusual facts about John Armstrong

Captain Jacobs

On the morning of September 8, 1756, Colonel John Armstrong led a force of 307 Pennsylvanians to attack the village of Kittanning in hopes of disrupting the raids against the English.

28th New York State Legislature

U.S. Senator John Armstrong resigned on June 30, 1804, after his appointment as U.S. Minister to France.

Robert Swartwout

Following the death of General Leonard Covington at the Battle of Chrysler's field, he was appointed Brigadier General and 9th Quartermaster General of the US Army on March 21, 1813, by President James Madison through Secretary of War John Armstrong.

see also

Between Hitler and Stalin

For historical and political commentary, the film relies on Norman Davies, a historian from University of London; Robert Conquest, a Soviet scholar at Hoover Institute; John Armstrong, an insurgency expert, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former US National Security Adviser.


One of them, John Armstrong, uncle of Andrew, was Governor of Minorca and author of a history of the island in 1752.

Milton J. Yarberry

Later research seems to indicate that he was, in reality, John Armstrong, and that he'd fled Sharp County, Arkansas wanted for murder.

United States Senate special election in New York, November 1800

Ex-Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1783–1788) John Armstrong, a brother-in-law of Chancellor Robert R. Livingston, was the candidate of the Democratic-Republican Party.

William Beauvais

He is also known for his ability to collaborate with other musicians and has done so with Eugene Martynec, John Gzowski, George Koller, Barry Prophet, Julian Knight and John Armstrong.