
unusual facts about John Bolton

John Bolton

John R. Bolton (born 1948), former United States Ambassador to the United Nations

2005 World Summit

The pre-summit negotiations were blown sharply off course by the appearance in early August at the U. N. of United States Ambassador to the U. N. John Bolton, appointed as a recess appointment by U.S. President George W. Bush.

2006 Georgian–Russian espionage controversy

The United States blocked the vote, however, on the account that the US delegation was "not satisfied with the document as it is," as the US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton put it.

Classic X-Men

The first 44 issues have new backup stories, mostly written by Chris Claremont or Ann Nocenti and drawn by John Bolton.

Ellsworth Air Force Base

Thune in protest stated he would vote against confirmation of the president's nominee for United Nations Ambassador, John Bolton.

Frederick H. Fleitz

From 2001-2005, CIA loaned Fleitz to the State Department where he served as chief of staff to Undersecretaries of State for Arms Control John Bolton (2001–2005) and Robert Joseph (2005–2006).

Friends of Israel Initiative

They include Republican Party former United States Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, Forza Italia's former President of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera, former President of Czech Republic Václav Havel, Peru’s former President Alejandro Toledo, and billionaire financier, Robert Agostinelli and British Conservative Party peer, former First Minister of Northern Ireland and Nobel Peace Prize winner David Trimble.

see also

A Christmas Story: The Musical

The cast featured Dan Lauria as Jean Shepherd, John Bolton as The Old Man, Caroline O'Connor as Miss Shields, Erin Dilly as Mother, Zac Ballard as Randy, and with Johnny Rabe and Joe West both alternating as lead character Ralphie, played in the 1983 film by Peter Billingsley, one of the show's producers.

Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa

The 2009 conference featured special presentations from John Bolton, Former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations; Gérard Prunier, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris; and Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, the authors of the award-winning book Foxbats Over Dimona: The Soviets' Nuclear Gamble in the Six-Day War.