
2 unusual facts about John Fleming

James Stewart, 1st Earl of Moray

Along the way Moray captured houses belonging to supporters of Queen Mary, including Lord Fleming's Boghall, Skirling, Crawford, Sanquhar, Kenmuir, and Hoddom where the cannon were deployed, and Annan where he rendezvoused with Lord Scrope the Captain of Carlisle Castle to discuss border matters.

John Fleming, 5th Lord Fleming

It was reported;"they wald noct suffir his wyf within na boundes (expelled from her home), thre infantis with hir, the eldest of thame nocht thre yeir auld, schaiking thame furct of ther claythes and bedding most schamefullie ... and ther is twa of thame can noct speik." As well as the farm livestock the King's men took his deer and wild white cattle for Lennox's table in Edinburgh.

see also

African sculpture

Hugh Honour and John Fleming, A World History of Art, 1st edn.

Cumbernauld Bond

--John Fleming, 2nd Earl of Wigtown-->Lord Fleming, the Earl of Marischal, and Lord Almond.

Jarrow School

Rear-Adm Sir John Fleming DSC, Director of the Naval Education Service from 1956–60

Rookley Manor

In 1272 a rent in Rookley was granted by Thomas Delamere to John Fleming, who is returned in the Testa de Nevill as holding jointly with William le Martre, half a fee in Rookley and Blackpan, with Robert Rookley also holding a quarter fee in Rookley.

The Andromeda Breakthrough

Kidnapped by Intel representative Kaufman (John Hollis), John Fleming (Peter Halliday) along with Professor Madeleine Dawnay (Mary Morris) and Andromeda, the artificially constructed female humanoid (Susan Hampshire), are brought to Azaran, a small Middle Eastern country.

Warrington by-election, 1981

John Fleming stood on a platform opposing immigration and the Trident nuclear weapon system, while also calling for British troops to withdraw from Northern Ireland.