
unusual facts about John Gray


It features articles by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, LSE political philosopher, John Gray, renowned atheist philosopher, A. C. Grayling, LSE social scientist Nicos Mouzelis, an interview with anti-religion crusader Michel Onfray and features the Austrian actionist artist Hermann Nitsch, British artist Becky Beasley, Miuccia Prada protégé Martino Gamper and Warren Neidich.

Modus vivendi

This sense of the term has been used as a keystone in the political philosophy of John Gray.

North Carolina General Assembly of 1778

Camden County: John Gray, seat vacated because he held another public office; William Burgess, elected to replace Gray, no evidence of service.

Value pluralism

The deliberative democrat Robert Talisse has published several articles criticizing the pluralism of Isaiah Berlin, William Galston, Richard Flathman, and John Gray.

see also

Joe Quirk

Quirk's nonfiction book It's Not You, It's Biology: the Science of Love, Sex & Relationships (originally titled Sperm Are from Men, Eggs Are from Women: The Real Reason Men and Women Are Different, as a retort to John Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus) is a relationships book grounded in science, presenting relationship advice heavily grounded in evolutionary psychology.

Judith Briles

She is a frequent guest on national television and radio and has appeared on programs including CNN, CNNfn, Oprah, John Gray, MSNBC and Good Morning America.

Straw dog

Professor John N. Gray's book of trenchant essays is titled Straw Dogs (John Gray, Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals, Granta Books 2002, ISBN 1-86207-512-3)