
unusual facts about John Hart Ely

Due Process Clause

In his book Democracy and Distrust, non-originalist John Hart Ely criticized "substantive due process" as a glaring non-sequitur.

Henry M. Hart, Jr.

Other scholars have tied Hart's requirement of principled reasoning to the wider "postwar liberal project associated with Robert Dahl and John Rawls" as well as with the work of John Hart Ely and Ronald Dworkin.

Indiana Law Journal

Some notable contributors to the journal include Justice Hugo Black, Robert Bork, Archibald Cox, John Hart Ely, Leon Green, Frank Michelman, Martha Minow, Richard Posner, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Cass Sunstein, Laurence Tribe, Chief Justice Fred Vinson, and Seth P. Waxman.

see also