
unusual facts about John Kinsella

Alvin Pang

He is also co-editor, along with the poet John Kinsella, of OVER THERE, an anthology of Singapore and Australian poetry, and of DOUBLE SKIN, a bilingual anthology of Italian and Singapore poets (with Turin-based poet and editor Tiziano Fratus).

Ars Interpres

The magazine has featured fiction, poetry, interviews, and essays by such internationally renowned writers as Les Murray, Ruth Padel, Göran Sonnevi, Eamon Grennan, Pia Tafdrup, Seamus Heaney, Giannina Braschi, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill, Tadeusz Rozewicz, Diane di Prima, Regina Derieva, Alicia Ostriker, Dennis Nurkse, Tomas Venclova, Mariela Griffor, John Kinsella, and Gunnar Harding.

Fremantle Press

Subsequent published authors include A. B. Facey, Sally Morgan, Elizabeth Jolley, Tim Winton, Liz Byrski, Julia Lawrinson, Kim Scott, John Kinsella, John A. Long, Tracy Ryan, Richard Woldendorp, Frances Andrijich, Carolyn Polizzotto, Wayne Ashton, Anna Haebich, Philip Salom, Eoin Cameron, Kate Lamont, Kate McCaffrey, Simon Haynes, Craig Silvey and Stephen Kinnane.

see also

Mark Pirie

Among the international authors he has written on or interviewed are Ee Tiang Hong (Malaysia/Australia), Richard Berengarten (UK), Edgard Telles Ribeiro (Brazil), Basim Furat (Iraq/New Zealand), Ken Bolton (Australia) and John Kinsella (Australia).