
unusual facts about John Mason

Josiah Rees

Rees's translations into Welsh included a Catechism (1770) on the Principles of Religion, by Henry Read (?); John Mason's Self-Knowledge, which passed through numerous editions; and a Doctrinal Treatise, published in 1804 under the auspices of the Welsh Unitarian Book Society; it evoked from Joseph Harris a defence of the deity of Jesus, The Axe of Christ in the Forest of Antichrist.

Camp Low

On April 12, 1865 Lieutenant John Lafferty and a detachment of Native Cavalry, encountered the outlaw John Mason far to the southwest of the camp at the head of the Great Panoche Valley.

see also

Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

In the movie The Rock, John Mason (played by Sean Connery) responds to an offer of freedom by the FBI in exchange for his cooperation to help free captives on Alcatraz by saying, "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes." Stanley Goodspeed (Nicolas Cage) responds with the translation, "I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts."