
unusual facts about John Middleton

Edna Birch

As a devout Christian, Edna was horrified when local vicar Ashley Thomas (John Middleton) began dating pub landlady Bernice Blackstock (Samantha Giles) and was one of a group of people who opposed the match.

Belle Dingle

In November 2008, she auditioned for the choir but was slammed by Nicola De Souza (Nicola Wheeler), causing Ashley (John Middleton) and Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy) to tell her that she was too young.

see also


In the mid-19th century, the interior of the Court was refurbished by Caroline, Countess of Dunraven (d. 1870), wife of Windham Quin, 2nd Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl (d. 1850) and daughter of another Thomas Wyndham, who held Clearwell from 1814 to her death in 1870, to the designs of John Middleton.

East Midlands derby

Those who have include goalkeepers John Middleton, Steve Sutton and Lee Camp, defenders Gary Charles, Gary Mills and Darren Wassall, midfielders Steve Hodge, Glyn Hodges, Darryl Powell and Lars Bohinen and forwards Mikkel Beck, Dexter Blackstock and Dean Saunders.