
unusual facts about John Neumeier

Bridget Breiner

Breiner won critical acclaim for her portrayal of Blanche DuBois in John Neumeier's A Streetcar Named Desire.

Anna Grabka

She danced solo and principal roles in ballets by Friderick Ashton, George Balanchine, Maurice Béjart, August Bournonville, Jean Coralli/Jules Perrot, John Cranko, Mats Ek, William Forsythe, Kevin Haigen, Leonid Jacobson, Jiri Kilian, Serge Lifar, José Limón, Asaf Messerer, John Neumeier and Marius Petipa.

Barbara Buchholz

She played the theremin in various contemporary works, like The Little Mermaid, a ballet by John Neumeier, music by Lera Auerbach, and in the operas Linkerhand by Moritz Eggert and Bestmann-Opera by Alex Nowitz.

Bart de Block

as the principal dancer, working with, most notably: Maurice Béjart, Marc Bogaerts, Valery Panov, Sir Kenneth McMillan, John Neumeier, Peter Schaufuss, Karole Armitage, Bill T. Jones, Moses Pendleton, Stephen Petronio, Nacho Duato, Christopher Bruce, Lucinda Childs

Münchener Bach-Chor

The choir has collaborated with conductors such as Bruno Weil, Leonard Bernstein and Oleg Caetani, with the Ballet of John Neumeier and with the Bayerisches Staatsorchester.

see also