
3 unusual facts about John Norvell

Lipscomb Norvell

One of his sons was U.S. Senator John Norvell of Michigan and his grandson, William Walker, the son of Mary Norvell Walker, was the filibuster in Nicaragua.

Spencer Houghton Cone

Soon afterward, in connection with his brother-in-law, John Norvell, he purchased and published the Baltimore "Whig."

Stephen Harriman Long

In March 1819 he married Martha Hodgkiss of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the sister of Isabella Hodgkiss Norvell, wife of US Senator John Norvell.

Hugh Norvell

Some of Captain Hugh Norvell's descendants include U.S. Senator John Norvell of Michigan, William Walker, the Filibusterer in Nicaragua; and Oliver Hardy, the actor-comedian and movie star, son of Emily Norvell Hardy.

see also