
unusual facts about John Stokesley

John Bale

He obtained the living of Thorndon, Suffolk, but in 1534 was summoned before the Archbishop of York for a sermon against the invocation of saints preached at Doncaster, and afterwards before John Stokesley, Bishop of London, but he escaped through the powerful protection of Thomas Cromwell, whose notice he is said to have attracted by his miracle plays.

Robert Pakington

In 1559 Foxe claimed that John Stokesley, a former Bishop of London 'had paid a priest sixty gold coins to carry out the murder'.

Submission of the Clergy

The Upper House of the Convocation voted on the articles with John Longland, the Bishop of Lincoln, Dr. Henry Standish, the Bishop of St. Asaph and John Stokesley, the Bishop of London speaking in favour of the articles but with some reservation.

see also