Senator John Tower had similarly refused to shake the hand of Democratic opponent Robert Krueger in a 1978 appearance in Houston but went on to win a fourth term by the narrowest of margins.
During that time he had spent his 1981 summer vacation working as a researcher for John Tower on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Her continued involvement in party politics helped elect John Tower to the United States Senate in 1961.
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Even in her last column she criticized the feminists of the her country for failing to rally behind U.S. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, who had voted against the appointment of John Tower as secretary of defense.
Former Texas senator John Tower, 65, his daughter Marian, astronaut Manley "Sonny" Carter, and American College of Physicians president-elect Dr. Nicholas Davies, and N.A.T.O. liaison Dr. June T. Amlie, were among the 23 passengers and crew killed.
In 1961, James A. Leonard, was the "first Executive Director of the Republican Party of Texas to emphasize the Party's new intention to become a force in state government." "In the dead of night," he moved the Party Headquarters from Houston to Austin" and "mobilized the Party's meager resources to support the candidacy of a 36-year-old Associate Professor of Government, John Tower, to fill Lyndon Johnson's vacant US Senate Seat.
This type of "courtesy" was dealt a serious blow in 1989, when the Senate failed to confirm former U.S. senator John Tower of Texas to be Secretary of Defense.