A team with a proud history, they have been the start for many players who would turn professional such as Sir Alex Ferguson, David Moyes, Andy Gray, Archie Gemmill, John Wark, Asa Hartford Eddie McCreadie (Chelsea player and manager) and John Robertson.
John F. Kennedy | Pope John Paul II | Elton John | John | John Lennon | John Wayne | John McCain | John Kerry | John Cage | Olivia Newton-John | John Williams | John Peel | John Adams | John Steinbeck | John Travolta | John Milton | John Zorn | John Marshall | John Howard | John Singer Sargent | John Ruskin | John Updike | John Maynard Keynes | John Coltrane | John Cleese | St. John's | John Waters | John Lee Hooker | John Huston | John Ford |