It included the publication of philosophers such as Alvin Plantinga, John Warwick Montgomery, Dinesh D’Souza, and William Lane Craig.
John Warwick Montgomery, "Lutheran Astrology and Lutheran Alchemy in the Age of the Reformation," Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Early Chemistry, 11 (June 1963), pp.
John Warwick Montgomery has pointed out that Johann Arndt (1555–1621), who was the influential writer of Lutheran books of pietiesm and devotion, composed a commentary on Amphitheatrum.
Soli Deo Gloria: Essays in Reformed Theology included contributions by Cornelius Van Til, J. I. Packer, Philip Edgecumbe Hughes, John Murray, R. C. Sproul, John Warwick Montgomery, and Roger Nicole.
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In his early years of studying theology and apologetics, Bowman was influenced by a variety of Christian apologists, including C. S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, and John Warwick Montgomery.