
2 unusual facts about John Webb


John Webb, the London building contractor who constructed the Eastern Esplanade also developed the land which he had received in part payment and laid out Western Road and built the Devonshire Hotel.

Siege of Rhodes

The set was designed by John Webb, a pupil of Inigo Jones, an important designer of theatre masques for the Jacobean and Caroline courts.

Drayton House

There have been changes to the house in each century since, including works recorded by Isaac Rowe, John Webb, William Talman, Gerard Lanscroon, William Rhodes, Alexander Roos, George Devey and John Alfred Gotch.

Little Dean's Yard

On the North side of Yard is Ashburnham House, built by Inigo Jones or his pupil John Webb, on the site of the mediƦval Prior's House, parts of which can still be seen.

see also

Brent Follett

Born at Topham, he was a younger son of Benjamin Follett and his wife Ann Webb, daughter of John Webb.

Locko Park

In 1792, he employed William Emes, who was responsible for the gardens of Calke Abbey and Kedleston Hall, to landscape the park; the actual work, including the creation of the 16 acre lake, was carried out by Emes' partner, John Webb.