The family atmosphere within the club was still thriving, with the directors encouraging players to pay a 'thrift scheme' which would help the club financially but they received a major jolt when Stanley Matthews disputed the level of benefit to which he was entitled at the end of the season.
Both of them receive a jolt when Ana (Marija Skaricic), a young Bosniak, itinerant woman who has fled Sarajevo, breezes into the cafeteria looking for work.
In addition, David Foster Wallace references the Jolt Cola ad campaign in the short story "Mister Squishy," originally published in McSweeney's and collected in Oblivion: Stories.
Emigrant Savings Bank, the main creditor, then acquired the Jolt assets and relaunched the business.
These Mini-cons (Jolt, Reverb, Six-Speed and Safeguard) were apparently among a group of Mini-cons that were companions of the Transformers that migrated with a Cyber Planet Key to the Giant Planet, Gigantion, which was blown into another universe due to a rift in space.
The band subsequently toured on the success of the single, this time with new guitarist Matt Platts, supporting other 1990s UK indie bands including Rachel Stamp, Jolt, Snow Patrol, Monsoon Bassoon, Cay and Seafood.
After a brief spell at ClanBase Radio, mainly commentating on ClanBase EuroCup and ClanBase OpenCups, he began commentating on other leagues, including the prestigious PC ZONE readers challenge and various Jolt leagues.
After Woodstock has ended, a hippie-hating farmer (Tige Andrews) gets turned into a werewolf when he gets a massive jolt of electricity trying to destroy a leftover piece of equipment one of the bands left behind.