Jonny Evans, Northern Irish footballer, playing for Manchester United
Bill Evans | Jonathan Swift | Jonathan Ross | Goodluck Jonathan | Jonathan Demme | Charles Evans Hughes | Gil Evans | Jonathan Lethem | Jonathan | Jonathan Richman | Jonathan Coulton | Cadel Evans | Clifford Evans | Jonathan Safran Foer | Jonathan King | Dale Evans | Jonathan Rhys Meyers | Faith Evans | Sara Evans | Jonathan Zittrain | Jonathan Silverman | Jonathan Nott | Jonathan Kaplan | Jonathan Harris | Jonathan Cain | Jonathan Butler | Jonathan Borofsky | Jonathan Aitken | George Evans | Walker Evans |
A specimen of Brewer's preaching is printed as part of the service at the ordination of Jonathan Evans at Foleshill in 1797, and Brewer's oration at the burial of Samuel Pearce at Birmingham was printed with the sermon of John Ryland on the same occasion in 1799.