
unusual facts about Jonathan Harvey

Baldur Brönnimann

Baldur is committed to contemporary music and has championed the music of composers such as Harrison Birtwistle, Brett Dean, Unsuk Chin, Thomas Ades, John Adams and Jonathan Harvey.

Big Brother Panto

The pantomime performed, Cinderella, was written by Jonathan Harvey, who wrote the sitcom Gimme Gimme Gimme.

Dominic Dromgoole

During this time, he premiered 65 new plays including early works by Billy Roche, Philip Ridley, Catherine Johnson, Sebastian Barry, Jonathan Harvey, Helen Edmundson, Simon Bent, Naomi Wallace, Irvine Welsh, David Harrower, Samuel Adamson and Conor McPherson.

Dynamis Ensemble

The Dynamis Ensemble collaborates with composers such as Jonathan Harvey, Alessandro Solbiati, and Javier Torres Maldonado.

Irvine Arditti

These include Iannis Xenakis’ Dox Orkh and Toshio Hosokawa’s Landscape III, both for violin and orchestra, as well as Brian Ferneyhough’s Terrain, Luca Francesconi’s Riti Neurali and Body Electric, James Dillon’s Vernal Showers, Jonathan Harvey’s Scena, Brice Pauset's Vita Nova, Roger Reynolds Aspiration and Salvatore Sciarrino's Le Stagioni Artificiali all for violin and ensemble.

Julie-Anne Derome

The group has played on all continents with the exception of Oceania and premiered over fifty works by Canadian and International composers such as Mauricio Kagel, Enno Poppe, Michael Finnissy, Pascal Dusapin and Jonathan Harvey.

Octophonic sound

Composers who have worked in octophonic sound include Karlheinz Stockhausen, Jonathan Harvey, Gérard Pape, and Larry Austin.

See Siang Wong

He has often performed piano works of contemporary composers like Arnold Schönberg, Luciano Berio, György Ligeti, György Kurtág, Wolfgang Rihm, Peter Eötvös, Emmanuel Nunes, Marco Stroppa, James Dillon, Jonathan Harvey, Rudolf Kelterborn.

Tomi Räisänen

He has also participated in several international composition masterclasses, seminars and workshops under composers such as Louis Andriessen, Brian Ferneyhough, Jonathan Harvey, Michael Jarrell, Jouni Kaipainen, Magnus Lindberg, Philippe Manoury and Marco Stroppa.

Wagner Dream

Wagner Dream is an opera by Jonathan Harvey, premiered in 2007, to a libretto by Jean-Claude Carrière, which intertwines events on the last day of the life of Richard Wagner with elements from a fragmentary opera sketch by Wagner himself, Die Sieger (The Victors).

see also