
3 unusual facts about Jonesy

Evan 'Jonesy' Jones

Evan 'Jonesy' Jones is a fictional character from Blue Heelers, the Australian police drama television series which depicted the lives of police officers in a small town in Victoria.

Evan Jones

Evan 'Jonesy' Jones, fictional character from the Australian TV series Blue Heelers


Evan 'Jonesy' Jones of Australian police drama series Blue Heelers

Brand X with Russell Brand

In addition to providing brief guitar accompaniment leading into and out of commercial breaks, Jonesy's punk credentials and congenial on-air manner from years as Los Angeles Indie 103 radio DJ/host proved a far better fit for occasional banter with fellow Brit Brand.

L.H. Musgrove

Jim Davis as fictional railroad detective Matt Clark tracks the stolen herd, while his co-star Kristine Miller as Jonesy investigates a murder at the railroad telegraph office.

see also