
4 unusual facts about Jonglei


The Angakuei people are members of the clan Keui, from Baidit Payam, Jonglei, South Sudan.

Dinka people

The Dinka people are an ethnic group inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the Nile basin, Jonglei and parts of southern Kordufan and Upper Nile regions.

Forces led by the breakaway faction of Riek Machar deliberately killed an estimated 2,000 civilians in Dinka villages of Jonglei State and wounded several thousand more over the course of two months.

Water is Basic

Water is Basic completed its first well on June 28, 2008 and has since completed over 430 more throughout states of Central and Western Equatoria and Jonglei.


Jonglei |

Ayod County

George Athor had lost the April 2010 gubernatorial election for Jonglei state, and had accused SPLM officials of rigging the results in favour of Kuol Manyang Juuk, who was elected.

The Jonglei minister of law enforcement, Gabriel Duop Lam, said that absence of mid-lower teeth and small body scars on the bodies of the attackers indicated they were Murle people.

David Yau Yau

David Yau Yau is (as of January 28, 2013) the leader of a Murle insurrection against the South Sudanese government in Jonglei state.

John Dau

Currently, Dau is the president of the John Dau Foundation which was founded in July 2007 to start and develop health facilities for most of the populations of Duk, Twic East and Bor South counties in the state of Jonglei in South Sudan.

In 1983, his village of Duk Payuel in Duk County, Jonglei was attacked by government troops involved in the Second Sudanese Civil War between the Muslim-controlled government in northern Sudan and the non-Muslims in Southern Sudan.

Nuer White Army

However, it was not until a major defeat in May 2006 near Motot, in Jonglei's Uror County, in which 113 White Army fighters were reportedly killed for the loss of a single Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) soldier, that the fighters gave up their attempts at resistance, according to the Small Arms Survey.

The declaration marked an escalation in the ongoing clashes between the SPLA, the Murle, and the Lou Nuer in Jonglei and Upper Nile, which began when armed Murle fighters under the influence of George Athor's South Sudan Democratic Movement launched a cattle raid against the Lou Nuer in Jonglei state.

South Sudan Democratic Movement

The Movement, which was formed in 2010 by controversial former Sudan People's Liberation Army general George Athor after he failed to win the governorship of Jonglei in what was then the Autonomous Government of Southern Sudan, is active in the state of Jonglei as well as neighbouring Upper Nile in the Republic of South Sudan.

Twic East County

They Dinka people are an ethnic group inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the Nile basin, Jonglei and parts of southern Kordufan and Upper Nile regions.

United Nations Mission in South Sudan

Fighting that spread as a result of the 2013 South Sudanese coup d'état attempt led to the deaths of two Indian peacekeepers, while another soldier was wounded in Akobo, Jonglei, on 19 December.

see also