
2 unusual facts about Jonson

Thomas Middleton

Middleton stands with John Fletcher and Ben Jonson as among the most successful and prolific of playwrights who wrote their best plays during the Jacobean period.

He held this post until his death in 1627, at which time it was passed to Jonson.

Axel John Beck

Axel John Beck was born in the country village of Timmersdale, Sweden as one of seven children born to Carl Melcher and Anna Helena (Jonson) Back.

Catiline His Conspiracy

Thomas Rymer praised the play's subject matter but condemned Jonson's violations of decorum.


Instead major artists such as DJ Vadim, Bucky Jonson (The Black Eyed Peas' live backing band) and Trifonic have contributed the solo studio tracks (stems) to entire albums making them available under Creative Commons licenses that allowed remixes.

Closet drama

Fulke Greville, Sir William Alexander, and Mary Sidney wrote closet dramas in the age of Shakespeare and Jonson.

Fredric Jonson

During the 2010 off-season Jonson went on trial with New York Red Bulls but the club did not sign him.

Lars Jonson Haukaness

Lars Jonson Haukaness was from the village of Folkedal, in Granvin municipality in the county of Hordaland, Norway.

Portrait of Anne Hathaway

However, the fact that the lines accompanying it are a pastiche of Jonson's lines on Shakespeare led the Shakespeare scholar Samuel Schoenbaum to conclude that the drawing was probably a playful attempt to create a parallel image to that of the poet himself, though since it was almost certainly a copy of an authentic Elizabethan portrait, the "exciting" possibly that the original actually depicted Hathaway could not be ruled out.

The Masque of Augurs

Scholarship has shown that Jonson utilized dictionaries and compilations by Robert and Charles Stephanus, Natalis Comes, Johannes Rosinus, and Caspar Peucer.

see also