
2 unusual facts about Jorge Manrique

Fernando de Acuña y de Herrera

Fernando's and Lope sister Leonor de Acuña, deceased towards the end of 1501, married and got succession from Pedro Manrique de Lara, 2nd count of Paredes de Nava, the eldest brother of famous poet, no issue, Jorge Manrique, deceased in a feudal battle, April 1479.

National Park of Cazorla, Segura y las Villas, as did the 1st and the 2nd Counts of Paredes de Nava, father Rodrigo and brother Pedro respectively of another Knight of the Military Order of Santiago, Spanish Poet Jorge Manrique, killed in a feudal fight on 24 April 1479.

Gómez Manrique

He inherited the literary taste of his uncle Iñigo López de Mendoza y de la Vega, Marquis of Santillana, and was greatly esteemed in his own age; but his reputation was afterwards eclipsed by that of his nephew Jorge Manrique (died 1478), the son of his eldest brother Rodrigo Manrique de Lara, (died 1476), and whose Coplas por la muerte de su padre were continually reproduced.

Pero López de Ayala

Among his direct descendants are major Spanish poets and writers Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, Jorge Manrique and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.

see also